Come and Celebrate Summer’s Coming!
With the amazing talented, versatile and enthusiastic
Newick Folk Band
Barn Dance, World Music, Latin Rhythms, Reeling and Swinging.
The Newell Centre, Tozer Way, Chichester, PO19 7LG
Saturday 28 May 2022
Doors open: 7 to 9pm.
Bring your own refreshments (finger food & drink to share/as you wish)
Suggested donation for entry: Adult £10. (children FREE)
Buy your ticket now to avoid disapoointment.
BACS to Transition Chichester.
Sort code: 089299. Account No: 65382572. Use Reference of ‘DANCE’ plus your ‘SURNAME’
Payment will be accepted at the door (cash or card).
This event is a fund raiser for Transition Chichester and the Earth Café.
For more information please call: 07939 915687