Chichester District Council are consulting on the new and not-yet adopted ‘Wildlife Corridor’ policy and we would like to ask for your support with three requests:-
1) Can you help with providing biodiversity records that will help us further improve the evidence base for the wildlife corridors (even if you have recently submitted them to the SxBRC or other biological groups)?
2) Can you record further biodiversity on these vital wildlife corridors? We will need the data before summer 2019 in order for the evidence to be in time for the plan’s submission to the independent examiner.
3) Can you support our proposed wildlife corridor via the consultation portal.
The evidence paper for the Wildlife Corridor policy is at please read this first
The consultation portal is at you will need to register first in order to make a comment, then please see which is the link direct to the consultation page on Policy S30 (Strategic Wildlife corridors)
Many thanks & warm regards
N.B – Deadline for Consultation – 7th February
– Deadline for wildlife evidence/data – Summer 2019
Sarah Hughes
Community Wildlife Officer
Chichester District Council
Ext: 21131 | Tel: 01243521131 / 07765 175494 | | Fax: 01243 776766