The latest government advice is to stay home except for essential outings like shopping, work and a daily outing for exercise. Stay 2m (6ft) away from other people and do not meet with anyone, even friends or family. Wash your hands often. The main signs of Covid-19 are a fever and dry cough. If you have these symptoms self-isolate at home for 7 days. If a household member has symptoms, the whole household must self-isolate at home for 14 days. The following contacts may be helpful.
WSCC Coronavirus Community Hub: 033 022 27980 (lines open 8am-8pm). They offer support, information, help and advice on any Corona-related issue. Note: they are very busy. Please also contact them to volunteer.
Voluntary Action Arun and Chichester (VAAC): 01243 840305. Local volunteer group for practical help such as getting shopping or prescriptions. You can also contact them to volunteer.
Chichester residents also have a facebook group called Chichester Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK.
NHS: 111. If you have symptoms you do not have to call 111, but may do so if you need advice. Stay home for 7 days. DO NOT go to your GP with Corona symptoms, call 111, or for urgent medical attention 999.
Domestic violence help: National helpline open 24 hours 0808 2000 247. WORTH local helpline open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm 07834 968539 or 033 022 28181. Dial 999 if you are in fear or danger.
Mental health: MIND 0300 123 3393 open Mon-Fri 9am-6pm. The Samaritans 116 123 (Freephone) open 24 hours a day. For online help see
Social Fund: 0800 169 0140 for advice on budgeting loans or advances for those on benefits.
Foodbank: 01243 773687. Delivery only, and staff are extremely busy. Help and donations are needed. If you do visit a supermarket, please consider donating something to the foodbank while you’re there.
Grandad’s Front Room: 07453813413 charity aiming to help anyone in need, e.g. of furniture, appliances.
• Crimsham Farm – 07793816751– Fruit, veg, pasta, milk, flour, rice. Phone line open 10am-2pm. Community Interest Company set up to serve the local community during this time. Will accept school meal vouchers soon (application pending).
• Munneries – 01243 672121 Fresh produce, milk and bread.
• Ecoswap – 07561 379988 Eco-friendly products available for delivery – food & drink, kitchen & bathroom, household & pets.
• WE Indulge Catering – 07507 383462 –
• Penfolds Butcher – 01243 784299 –
• Bosham Catering – 07835 136219 – Fruit & veg bags £13. Also have eggs, steak, sausages, bacon, ham & bread. Orders by phone/text only between 3pm & 7pm.
• Boxgrove Village Stores – 01243 773201 –
• Country Stores, Stockbridge Rd – 01243 782474
• Lindwhyke Stores – 01243 784080
• Adams Wholesale – 01903 282220 – Worthing based but now serving Chichester. Wide range of groceries and household products.
Supermarket opening times & OAP hours (for retirement age, disabled or vulnerable shoppers)
Sainsbury’s, Westhampnett Rd – 8am-8pm Mon-Sat, 10am-4pm Sun. OAP hour 8am-9am Mon, Wed, Fri. NHS staff access 7.30am-8am Mon-Sat.
Tesco, Fishbourne Rd East – 8am-10pm Mon-Thu, Sat, 8am-8pm Fri, 10am-4pm Sun. OAP hour 8am-9am Mon, Wed, Fri.
Waitrose, Via Ravenna – 7.30am-8pm Mon-Thu, Sat, 7.30am-9pm Fri, 10am-4pm Sun. OAP hour 7.30am-8.30am Mon-Sat, 9.45-10.45 Sun.
Lidl, Portfield Way – 8am-10pm Mon-Sat, 10am-4pm Sun. No specific OAP hour.
Aldi, Barnfield Drive – 8am-8pm Mon-Sat, 10am-4pm Sun. No specific OAP hour.
Iceland, South Street – 9am-6pm Mon-Sat, 10am-4pm Sun. OAP hour 9am-10am Mon-Sat.
Thanks to those displaying rainbows and teddy bears, and those clapping for the NHS at 8pm on Thursdays. Thanks to all supporting their community by working, volunteering and staying home.