TRANSITION TOWN CHICHESTER (TTC) is part of the national movement of Transition Towns, one of the biggest social movements of modern times. We are a group of enthusiastic forward-thinking people, keen to promote and embrace the change needed to reduce the potential effects of climate destruction and economic instability. We are raising awareness of the positive things we can all do – focusing on supporting each other in these challenging times with particular consideration of our natural resources, biodiversity, and waste reduction. From energy to food, from growing to reskilling, TTC is the umbrella group for a wide range of exciting and welcoming groups that focus on every aspect of life today, helping promote sustainability with strong community bonds among local people, local institutions, local agencies, and the local council.
Interested in knowing more? Come along to an event or one of the frequent gardening sessions – look at the calendar or pick up a monthly Shout-Out to find out what might suit you. (Paper versions of the Shout-Outs are available at the Earth Cafe (held on Friday mornings) at The Friends Meeting House, Priory Road, PO19 1NX; The Novium in Tower Street, PO19 1QH or Chichester Cinema at the New Park Community Centre, PO19 7XY.)
Want to be involved?
Volunteer: to help existing projects, regularly or occasionally.
Contribute an idea: new projects to support and help develop are always considered.
Financially: donate to help support more projects.
Become a trustee: help to develop Transition Town Chichester.